Classic Football Shirts and Christmas Jumpers - a Match Made in Heaven
Christmas jumpers have been a regular fixture in our festive traditions for some time with more and more quirky designs and amusing puns on the market each and every year. Football Christmas jumpers have also been around for some time, but only recently has football really cottoned on to the opportunity and shown its sense of humour over the standard image of Santa wearing a hat in your team’s historic colours. Together with the rapid rise in popularity of classic football shirts, which share many characteristics with Christmas jumpers, we think we’ll see many more football Christmas jumpers grabbing our imagination with this year’s unique winter World Cup having fans reaching for warmer clothing to show their loyalties over the classic football shirts that have become a mainstay for fans in recent years. So, what do you need when you want to show your colours, keep warm, but still do this in the style of your favourite classic football shirts? Well, we think you’ll find the answer in our new and exclusive Christmas jumper range.
One of the main drivers of the resurgence of classic football shirts is that they are bright, bold, colourful and distinctive - characteristics mirrored by Christmas jumpers. This lends their designs to be smoothly adapted to Christmas jumpers. Basically, when it comes to choosing a Christmas jumper, the louder and more provocative the better. We want Christmas jumpers to be cheeky and memorable, much like the 90s shirts we hold dear. One thing that’s undeniable about classic football shirts, as it is with Christmas jumpers, is that the word ugly doesn’t exist. In fact, the lower they sit on the beauty scale, as well as the conventional, is usually a good thing. Generally speaking, our choice of Christmas jumper doesn’t align with the rest of our wardrobe, and it provides a rare opportunity to abandon our daily selves and the veils life can create, allowing us freedom to dare to be different. Christmas jumpers, like classic football shirts, are meant to be fun. Anything less and you’re boring, even if you’ve still tried to participate and get into the spirit. It’s just like dancing, you need to fully immerse yourself and go full throttle otherwise you look stupid. Taking a half-hearted approach just doesn’t cut it.
As well as personality, fans of classic football shirts are looking for something rare and distinctive, and an individual’s search for a Christmas jumper tends to follow a similar pattern. When Christmas Jumper Day, or indeed any office Christmas party approaches, we frantically comb through Google, eBay and Amazon hoping to find something that captures the imagination; something that’s unique and bold, but also bordering on the outrageous. It’s the one time of year when we let our barriers down and show the real people behind the masks we wear at work each day. Whether premeditated or inadvertent, Christmas brings out the fun in all of us and this usually starts with our choice of Christmas jumper before the Christmas office party tears away any remaining dignity.
Regardless, we want a jumper that says something about us as individuals; something that reinforces our views, attitudes or life experiences with humour and nostalgia. As social beings, we look for connections and we’re no different when it comes to choosing a Christmas jumper, or indeed a classic football shirt. We want these to tell a story about us; we want it to be more than fabric and something extremely personal. Embedded in the appeal of classic football shirts is identity; they communicate our lives (for better or worse) as football fans without uttering a word. So, why not combine that with your favourite time of year?